I have to share this. My cousin is now an Ohio Roller Girl. Meaning she brutalizes chicks and does other uncharacteristic things at breakneck speeds - in front of a crowd. Note 'Hell Camino's' glamour shot.

I'm trying to get out to her first bout in Ohio on April 23rd, which is fast approaching. Chances are slim, but you never know. I wonder if they have a free skate during intermission.
I'm so proud.

I'm trying to get out to her first bout in Ohio on April 23rd, which is fast approaching. Chances are slim, but you never know. I wonder if they have a free skate during intermission.
I'm so proud.
My cousin refuses to join the roller-derby, but you could probably talk the two of us into joining you (a promise of a free skate would seal the deal).
Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
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